Singapore Coffee Week 2024


31 Oct - 3 Nov

Plaza Singapura


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Singapore Coffee Week 2024

31 Oct - 3 Nov 2024

Plaza Singapura

Singapore Coffee Week 2024

Get ready to dive into Singapore Coffee Week, as you join fellow coffee lovers and industry key players in celebrating Singapore's vibrant coffee culture! We're kicking things off with a pre-event cafe hopping adventure & a social media giveaway.

Our Exhibitors

Suzuki Coffee
Booth Number: A7
The Coffee Folks
Booth Number: D3
Tanamera Coffee
Booth Number: A21
Cheerful Goat
Booth Number: A9
Hugg Coffee
Booth Number: A18
Booth Number: A18
Santino Coffee
Booth Number: A20 + D4
Booth Number: A4
Parchmen & Co
Booth Number: TBC
Round Boy Roasters
Booth Number: D2

Our Sponsors

Countdown Ended


Organised By

68 Orchard Rd,
Singapore 238839

8 kinds of coffee for the beginner coffee drinker

Specialty coffee has captured the hearts and taste buds of coffee enthusiasts around the globe, transforming a simple beverage into an art form. From bean to cup, the journey of specialty coffee is a meticulous process that emphasizes quality, flavor, and origin. In this article, we'll explore the different kinds of specialty coffee that have become favorites among connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.

  1. Single-Origin Coffee

    Single-origin coffee refers to beans sourced from a single location, which could be a specific country, region, or even a single farm. The uniqueness of single-origin coffee lies in its distinct flavor profile, which is heavily influenced by the terroir—climate, altitude, soil composition, and more. For example, Ethiopian coffee is known for its bright acidity and fruity notes, while Brazilian coffee often carries a nutty, chocolatey profile. Single-origin coffees allow drinkers to experience the pure characteristics of a specific region, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate subtle nuances in flavor.

  2. Estate Coffee

    Estate coffee takes the concept of single-origin coffee a step further by being sourced from a single estate or plantation. These coffees are typically produced in small quantities, with great attention to detail in every stage of production. Estate coffees often come from renowned farms with a long history of coffee cultivation, where sustainable practices and quality control are paramount. The result is a cup of coffee that is both exclusive and rich in character, reflecting the passion and expertise of the farmers who grew it.

  3. Microlot Coffee

    Microlot coffee represents the pinnacle of specialty coffee, sourced from specific plots of land within a single farm. These small, meticulously managed lots produce limited quantities of beans that are often of exceptional quality. Microlot coffees are known for their complex flavor profiles and are typically the result of experimental growing and processing techniques. Coffee enthusiasts treasure microlot coffees for their rarity and the unique stories behind each cup, making them a sought-after addition to any coffee collection.

  4. Blends

    While single-origin and estate coffees highlight the characteristics of a particular region, blends bring together beans from different origins to create a balanced and harmonious flavor profile. Specialty coffee blends are carefully crafted by roasters who select complementary beans to achieve a desired taste. For instance, a blend might combine the bright acidity of African beans with the rich, full-bodied flavors of South American beans. Blends offer versatility and consistency, making them a popular choice for espresso drinks where a balanced flavor is key.

  5. Direct Trade Coffee

    Direct trade coffee emphasizes the relationship between coffee roasters and the farmers who grow the beans. Unlike traditional coffee trading models, direct trade involves roasters working closely with farmers to ensure fair prices, sustainable practices, and high-quality production. This model benefits both parties: farmers receive better compensation for their work, and roasters gain access to premium beans with traceable origins. The result is a cup of coffee that not only tastes good but also supports ethical and sustainable coffee production.

  6. Organic Coffee

    Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, making it a healthier choice for both the environment and the consumer. Organic farming practices promote biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation, which contribute to the overall quality of the coffee. Specialty organic coffee is often prized for its clean, pure flavors, which can range from bright and fruity to deep and earthy, depending on the origin.

  7. Fair Trade Coffee

    Fair trade coffee focuses on ensuring that farmers and workers receive fair wages and work in safe conditions. This certification also promotes environmental sustainability and community development. While fair trade coffee can come from any region or type of coffee, it guarantees that the beans were produced under ethical conditions. Specialty fair trade coffees are often chosen by consumers who are passionate about social justice and want to support equitable practices in the coffee industry.

  8. Decaf Specialty Coffee

    For those who love the taste of coffee but wish to avoid caffeine, decaf specialty coffee offers a solution without compromising on flavor. Decaffeination processes have come a long way, with methods like the Swiss Water Process and CO2 Decaffeination preserving the beans' original flavor profiles. Specialty decaf coffee can offer the same rich, complex taste as its caffeinated counterparts, making it an excellent choice for late-night sipping or for those sensitive to caffeine.


The world of specialty coffee is vast and varied, with each type offering a unique experience for the drinker. Whether you prefer the distinct flavors of single-origin beans, the ethical considerations of fair trade, or the exclusivity of microlot coffee, there's a specialty coffee out there for everyone. As the coffee industry continues to evolve, so too will the array of choices available, inviting coffee lovers to embark on an endless journey of discovery and enjoyment.

The Science Behind the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is more than just a matter of taste; it’s a delicate blend of science, technique, and chemistry. In this article, we’ll dive into the science behind these factors to uncover how they contribute to creating the ideal cup.

  1. Coffee Bean

    At the heart of every great cup of coffee is the bean itself. Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee cherry and contain complex compounds that give coffee its rich, distinctive flavor. During roasting, beans undergo a series of chemical reactions known as the Maillard reaction, which produces hundreds of different aromatic compounds responsible for coffee’s unique taste and aroma.

    Roasting also creates varying degrees of acidity, bitterness, and sweetness in the beans. Light roasts tend to preserve more of the bean's original flavors, while dark roasts develop deeper, more robust notes. Knowing the roast level that suits your taste is the first step to perfecting your brew.

  2. Extraction

    The core of coffee brewing lies in the extraction process—the method where water dissolves soluble compounds from the ground coffee. Extraction is key to balancing flavor. Too little extraction (under-extraction) can result in sour, weak coffee, while too much (over-extraction) leads to bitter flavours.

    The goal is to achieve "optimal extraction," which means dissolving the right amount of coffee solids to release the full spectrum of flavors. This balance is achieved by controlling several key variables: grind size, water temperature, brew time, and water-to-coffee ratio.

  3. Grind Size

    Grind size is one of the most critical factors in coffee extraction. It determines how quickly water can pass through the coffee grounds and how much surface area is exposed to the water. A finer grind increases the surface area, allowing for faster extraction, while a coarser grind slows it down.

    Different brewing methods require different grind sizes. For example:

    • Espresso requires a fine grind to extract quickly under high pressure.
    • French press calls for a coarse grind to prevent over-extraction during a longer brew time.
    • Pour-over methods generally use a medium grind to ensure even extraction over a controlled flow of water.

    Choosing the right grind size for your brewing method is essential to achieving the perfect balance of flavors.

  4. Water Temperature

    Water temperature plays a critical role in extracting flavors from coffee. The ideal temperature range for most brewing methods is between 90°C and 96°C (195°F to 205°F). Water that’s too hot can over-extract the coffee, resulting in bitter, burnt flavors, while water that’s too cool may under-extract, leading to a weak and sour cup.

    The precise temperature can also depend on the coffee bean's roast level. For lighter roasts, a slightly higher temperature can help bring out their more subtle flavors, while darker roasts may benefit from lower temperatures to prevent excessive bitterness.

  5. Brew Time

    The amount of time water is in contact with the coffee grounds significantly impacts the flavor. Different brewing methods require different brew times:

    • Espresso is brewed quickly, in about 25-30 seconds.
    • French press typically steeps for 4-5 minutes.
    • Pour-over methods usually take around 2-4 minutes, depending on the pour technique.

    If the brew time is too short, the water won’t have enough time to extract the desirable compounds, leading to a weak, under-extracted brew. On the other hand, too long of a brew time will cause over-extraction and a bitter, overbearing taste.

  6. Water-to-Coffee Ratio

    The ratio of water to coffee is another essential factor in achieving the perfect cup. A general guideline is the "Golden Ratio" of 1:16—that is, one part coffee to 16 parts water. However, this ratio can be adjusted based on personal preference and the brewing method.

    • Stronger coffee can be achieved by reducing the amount of water or increasing the amount of coffee.
    • Milder coffee can be brewed by adding more water or using less coffee.

    Using a kitchen scale to measure coffee and water ensures precision and consistency, which is key to mastering your brew.

  7. Water Quality

    Coffee is 98% water, so the quality of the water you use significantly impacts the final taste. Ideally, use filtered water that is free from impurities and unpleasant odors. Water that’s too hard (with high mineral content) can result in dull flavors, while water that’s too soft can cause over-extraction and bitterness.

    Some baristas even use specific water formulations tailored to enhance the flavors of particular coffee beans. While this might be an extreme approach for home brewers, ensuring your water is clean and balanced is essential.

  8. Brewing Methods

    There are various brewing methods, each with its own science and technique. Popular methods include:

    • Espresso machines: Use pressure to force water through finely ground coffee.
    • Drip coffee makers: Use gravity to pull water through coffee grounds.
    • Pour-over: Allows precise control over water flow and saturation.
    • French press: Fully immerses coffee grounds in water for a richer, more robust flavor.
    • Aeropress: Combines immersion and pressure for a smooth, concentrated brew.

    Each method emphasizes different aspects of extraction, and the choice of method depends on the desired flavor profile.


Brewing the perfect cup of coffee is both an art and a science, requiring attention to detail and a deep understanding of how different factors influence flavor. By mastering the principles of extraction and experimenting with different brewing techniques, you can elevate your coffee experience and enjoy a perfectly balanced brew every time.

So next time you pour a cup, remember that science is on your side—helping you savour every drop.

How to Pair Coffee with Food: A Culinary Exploration

Coffee is much more than a morning pick-me-up; it’s a beverage with a rich, complex flavor profile that can elevate a meal when paired with the right food. Just like wine, coffee has distinct notes—fruity, nutty, acidic, and bitter—that can either complement or contrast with various dishes. Understanding the nuances of different coffee varieties can enhance both the food and coffee experience. In this article, we’ll explore the art of pairing coffee with food, from breakfast classics to desserts and savory dishes.

  1. Understanding Coffee Flavor Profiles

    Before diving into specific pairings, it’s important to understand the basic flavor profiles of coffee. These profiles will help guide your pairings:

    • Acidity: This refers to the brightness or sharpness in coffee. Coffees with high acidity tend to have fruity or citrus-like flavors
    • Body: The weight or mouthfeel of the coffee. Coffees can range from light-bodied (tea-like) to full-bodied (rich and thick)
    • Bitterness: A natural characteristic of coffee, bitterness can be balanced by sweetness or enhanced in darker roasts
    • Sweetness: Coffee can also have natural sweetness, often found in light to medium roasts, offering notes of caramel, honey, or chocolate
    • Flavor notes: Depending on the origin, roast, and brewing method, coffee can have a wide range of flavor notes, such as floral, nutty, spicy, fruity, or earthy

    Once you recognize these profiles, you can start pairing coffee with food that either complements or contrasts with these flavors.

  2. Breakfast Pairings: Start the Day Right

    Breakfast is the meal most commonly associated with coffee, and choosing the right pairing can make for a perfect start to the day.

    Classic Breakfast Foods (Eggs, Bacon, Toast): For a hearty, savory breakfast like eggs and bacon, opt for a full-bodied coffee with a strong roast, such as a dark roast Colombian or Sumatra coffee. These coffees have enough depth and body to stand up to rich, salty foods.

    Pastries and Croissants: Lighter, buttery pastries pair beautifully with light to medium-roast coffees, such as Ethiopian or Kenyan varieties, which tend to have fruity and floral notes that complement the sweetness of the pastry.

    Avocado Toast: For something as creamy and rich as avocado toast, a Guatemalan coffee with nutty, chocolatey undertones can provide a perfect contrast to the freshness of the avocado.

  3. Midday Pairings: Elevate Your Lunch

    Pairing coffee with lunch might not be as common, but the right match can enhance flavors and provide an exciting culinary experience.

    Salads and Light Fare: For light, fresh dishes like salads or a Mediterranean plate, opt for a coffee with a bright acidity. A washed Ethiopian or Rwandan coffee with citrus and berry notes will enhance the freshness of the salad, especially if it includes elements like vinaigrette or fruit.

    Grilled Cheese Sandwich: Pair a grilled cheese with a medium-bodied coffee, such as a Brazilian roast, which often carries nutty and chocolatey flavors. The creaminess of the cheese will balance well with the smooth, slightly sweet notes in the coffee.

    Spicy Dishes: If you’re eating something with a bit of heat, like a spicy Mexican dish or curry, opt for a cold brew or an iced coffee. The coolness and smoothness of the brew can provide relief from the spice, while the slightly lower acidity of cold brew won’t clash with the bold flavors.

  4. Sweet Pairings: Coffee and Desserts

    Coffee and dessert are a match made in heaven, with many traditional pairings already popular. However, understanding the coffee's profile will help you elevate these pairings to the next level.

    Chocolate Desserts (Brownies, Chocolate Cake): For rich, decadent chocolate desserts, pair them with a dark roast coffee, such as a French roast or Italian espresso. The bitterness of the coffee complements the sweetness of the chocolate, creating a balanced and satisfying finish.

    Fruit Tarts and Pies: For a bright and fruity dessert, such as a berry tart or apple pie, a light roast coffee with high acidity works beautifully. Try a Yirgacheffe Ethiopian coffee or Costa Rican roast, which often has citrus or berry notes that highlight the sweetness of the fruit.

    Caramel or Toffee Desserts: Desserts like caramel flan, toffee pudding, or crème brûlée have a deep, sweet flavor that pairs well with medium-roast coffees, such as those from Guatemala or Honduras. These coffees often have caramel and nutty notes that harmonize perfectly with the dessert.

    Cheesecake: A rich, creamy cheesecake pairs beautifully with a medium to dark roast that has chocolatey or nutty notes. A Colombian or Nicaraguan coffee would provide a smooth contrast to the dense, tangy cheesecake.

  5. Savory Pairings: Coffee Beyond Dessert

    Coffee can also pair exceptionally well with savory dishes, adding complexity to the meal.

    Roasted Meats (Beef, Lamb, Pork): Full-bodied, earthy coffees like a Sumatran or Costa Rican dark roast are ideal for pairing with roasted or grilled meats. The depth of the coffee complements the smoky, savory flavors of the meat, while the bold body holds up to the richness of the dish.

    Barbecue: Coffee and barbecue might seem like an unusual pairing, but the smoky, spicy flavors of barbecue can work well with the deep, earthy flavors of a French roast or espresso. If the barbecue sauce is on the sweeter side, a Brazilian coffee with nutty, chocolatey notes can create a nice contrast.

    Cheese Plates: Coffee works wonderfully with certain cheeses. For instance, a bold espresso pairs nicely with aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda, while a light roast coffee with floral notes complements soft, creamy cheeses like brie or goat cheese.

  6. Exploring International Coffee and Food Pairings

    Different countries have their own traditional coffee and food pairings, offering inspiration for unique and delightful combinations.

    Italy: The classic Italian pairing of espresso with biscotti is a perfect example of balance, with the bold, bitter coffee complementing the sweet, crunchy biscuit.

    France: A café au lait with a buttery croissant is a French breakfast staple. The creamy coffee mellows the richness of the pastry.

    Turkey: Traditional Turkish coffee, with its rich, thick brew, is often paired with sweet pastries like baklava, creating a delightful balance between bitter coffee and sugary dessert.


Pairing coffee with food is a rewarding culinary adventure, offering endless possibilities to explore flavors and enhance your dining experience. Whether you’re enjoying a light roast with a fruit tart or a dark roast with a savory roast beef dish, understanding coffee’s flavor profiles and how they interact with food can lead to exciting and delicious combinations.

Next time you brew a cup, consider what’s on your plate and how the two can work together to create a harmonious, satisfying pairing.

Exploring Coffee Cultures Around the World: A Journey Through Global Coffee Traditions

Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages, uniting cultures while simultaneously reflecting the unique flavors and rituals of each region. From Italy’s iconic espresso to Ethiopia’s ancient coffee ceremonies, the way people prepare and enjoy coffee around the world reveals much about their traditions, tastes, and values. In this article, we’ll take a journey through some of the most fascinating coffee cultures, discovering the diverse ways in which coffee is brewed, served, and shared.

  1. Italy: Espresso as a Cultural Institution

    When it comes to coffee, Italy is perhaps the most influential country, giving the world the beloved espresso. In Italy, coffee is not just a drink but an essential part of daily life. Italians typically enjoy their coffee standing at the bar of a local café, sipping a quick shot of espresso, which is strong, concentrated, and served in small portions.

    Italians have perfected the art of simplicity with their coffee culture. Drinks like cappuccino, macchiato, and caffè latte have become famous worldwide, though Italians usually drink milky coffees only in the morning. After noon, it’s considered a faux pas to order a cappuccino, as they believe it disrupts digestion.

    For many Italians, coffee is a quick, social experience, often enjoyed several times a day. It is woven into the fabric of everyday life, punctuating meetings, breaks, and even meals with a brief yet powerful espresso shot.

  2. Ethiopia: The Birthplace of Coffee

    Coffee’s origins trace back to Ethiopia, where legend says a goat herder named Kaldi first discovered the stimulating effects of the coffee bean. Ethiopia remains one of the most coffee-obsessed nations in the world, and its coffee ceremonies are a cornerstone of Ethiopian culture.

    The traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a long, elaborate process that symbolizes community and hospitality. It begins with the roasting of green coffee beans over an open flame, followed by grinding the beans with a mortar and pestle. The coffee is then brewed in a special pot called a jebena, served in small cups without handles, and shared among guests.

    The ceremony is often accompanied by food, such as popcorn or bread, and it’s common for people to enjoy multiple rounds of coffee, which are known as abol (first brew), tona (second brew), and baraka (third brew). This slow, ritualistic approach to coffee is a time for conversation and connection, making it a vital part of social life in Ethiopia.

  3. Turkey: Strong and Sweet Coffee Traditions

    Turkish coffee, recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, has a history dating back centuries. Turkish coffee is brewed using finely ground coffee beans and water, boiled together in a special pot called a cezve. Sugar is often added during brewing to create a drink that is thick, rich, and sometimes sweet.

    Turkish coffee is traditionally served unfiltered in small cups, meaning the grounds settle at the bottom. It’s customary to enjoy coffee slowly, savoring its strong flavor, and often, fortune-telling is done by interpreting the patterns left by the coffee grounds in the cup.

    In Turkish culture, coffee is a symbol of hospitality and friendship, often offered to guests during social visits. The phrase "a cup of coffee has a memory of 40 years" speaks to the long-lasting connections formed over a simple cup.

  4. France: Café Culture and Leisurely Sipping

    France is famous for its vibrant café culture, where coffee is often enjoyed as part of a leisurely, social experience. Parisian cafés, in particular, have become iconic spaces for people-watching, reading, and conversation. Coffee is typically enjoyed with pastries or light snacks, and café au lait (coffee with steamed milk) is a popular choice for breakfast.

    In France, coffee is typically sipped slowly while seated at a café, contrasting with the quick espresso culture of Italy. The French prefer small, strong coffees, and it’s common to see people sitting outside at café tables, enjoying the atmosphere of the city as they drink.

  5. Japan: Precision and Aesthetic in Coffee Craft

    Japan’s coffee culture blends traditional craftsmanship with a deep appreciation for quality and detail. While tea is historically the dominant drink in Japan, coffee has become increasingly popular, especially in recent decades. The Japanese embrace both modern coffee shops and traditional brewing methods, such as pour-over and siphon brewing.

    In Japan, coffee preparation is often approached as an art form, with baristas paying careful attention to each step of the brewing process. Pour-over coffee, in particular, has gained immense popularity in Japan, where precision in water temperature, grind size, and brewing time is considered essential to achieving the perfect cup.

    Japan is also home to kissaten, traditional coffee houses that often have a retro feel and focus on brewing high-quality coffee with care. The culture around coffee in Japan reflects the country’s dedication to craftsmanship, aesthetics, and mindful consumption.

  6. Finland: Coffee and Community

    Despite being a relatively small country, Finland has one of the highest per capita coffee consumption rates in the world. Finns drink coffee throughout the day, and kahvi (coffee) is an integral part of social gatherings and work breaks, known as kahvitauko.

    One of the most traditional Finnish coffee experiences is karelian pie (karjalanpiirakka) with a cup of light-roast filter coffee, which is often brewed very mildly compared to other coffee cultures. Finnish coffee preferences lean toward lighter roasts, and coffee is typically consumed with pulla, a type of sweet bun.

    Coffee breaks are a cherished part of Finnish life, and many workplaces have scheduled coffee breaks to ensure employees can take a moment to relax and socialize. Coffee is more than just a drink in Finland—it’s a means of connection and well-being.

  7. Vietnam: Unique and Sweet Coffee Innovations

    Vietnam is known for its unique coffee creations, including the famous cà phê sữa đá (Vietnamese iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk). This drink is brewed using a small drip filter called a phin, allowing the coffee to slowly drip into a glass. It’s then mixed with sweetened condensed milk and poured over ice for a refreshing and indulgent drink.

    Another Vietnamese specialty is egg coffee (cà phê trứng), which combines strong black coffee with whipped egg yolk and sugar, resulting in a creamy, dessert-like beverage. These creative approaches to coffee highlight Vietnam’s innovation in coffee culture, making it a favorite destination for adventurous coffee lovers.

  8. Sweden: Fika and Coffee as a Social Ritual

    In Sweden, the coffee break, or fika, is a deeply ingrained part of the culture. Fika isn’t just about drinking coffee—it’s a moment to pause, relax, and enjoy time with friends, family, or colleagues. Fika typically involves coffee accompanied by pastries, such as kanelbullar (cinnamon buns).

    Swedes consume coffee at some of the highest rates in the world, and fika is a cherished daily ritual that emphasizes community and work-life balance. Whether at home, in a café, or at the office, fika is an essential part of Swedish life, offering a brief respite from the day’s activities.


Coffee is much more than a beverage—it’s a reflection of culture, community, and history. From Italy’s espresso bars to Ethiopia’s ancient ceremonies, the way people prepare and enjoy coffee around the world offers a fascinating glimpse into their daily lives and traditions. Whether it’s a quick shot of espresso, a slow pour-over, or a sweet cup of Vietnamese iced coffee, each country brings its own unique flavor and ritual to the global coffee table.

As coffee continues to evolve, its ability to bring people together remains constant, uniting diverse cultures through a shared love for this rich and versatile beverage.

Coffee Journey: Passport Trail Adventure

An exciting Coffee Journey with our Passport Trail Adventure! Explore various stations, each offering unique flavors and experiences.

From green bean differentiation to the fermentation process, types of beans, varieties of coffee, and exhilarating coffee tastings, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of coffee culture. Collect stamps as you journey through each station and unlock prizes along the way!

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Social Media Giveaway

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Claw Craze: Grab Your Luck!

Get Ready to Claw and Win! Exciting Prizes Await: Coffee Machine, Accessories, Beans, Cash Vouchers, and More!

Cafe Hopping

Embark on a Coffee Adventure: Explore the City's Cafés with Our Café Map! Enjoy Exclusive Deals and Offers, and Unlock Exciting Gifts During Singapore Coffee Week!

Reakella Cafe

51 Changi Business Park Central 2, #02-06A, Singapore 486066

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat: 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Closed on Sunday

The Community Coffee @ Hamilton Road

38 Hamilton Rd,Singapore 209208

Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sun: 12:00 pm - 6:00pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Super Simple

1 Fusionopolis Pl, Galaxis, #01-28/29 , S138522

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 3:45 pm
Closed on Sat, Sun & PH

Acoustics Coffee Bar @ Owen Road

2 Owen Road #01-02 Singapore 218842

Mon - Thu: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Fri - Sun: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm

Acoustics Coffee Bar @ Neil Road

61 Neil Road Singapore 088895

8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Big Short Coffee - Joo Chiat

2 Fowlie road, #01-01 Singapore 428505

Mon: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed - Sun: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Tuesday


30 Victoria St, #01-30, Singapore 187996

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 9:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

Glyph Supply Co

1 Venture Ave, #02 - 04, Singapore 608521

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed on Weekends

The Coffee Roaster Cafe @ NUS AS8

10 Kent Ridge Crescent #01-02 NUS AS8 Singapore 119260

Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Maxi Coffee Bar

6 Ann Siang Hill Singapore 069787

Tue - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Closed on Monday

Fame Coffee

108 Middle Rd, #01-01, Singapore 188967

Sun - Thu: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

The Caffeine Experience | TSV

1 Vista Exchange Green, #01-21 The Star Vista, S138617

10:00 am - 8:00 pm

The Community Coffee

14 Scotts Road #02-94 Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213

Mon - Sun
9:30 am - 6:30 pm

Kohi Roastery and Coffee Bar UIC

5 Shenton Way, #01-01 Singapore 068808

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed on Weekends

Foreword Coffee @ Mediacorp Campus

1 Stars Ave, #03-02, Singapore 138507

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Weekends

Foreword Coffee @ Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (NUS)

3 Conservatory Drive Level 1 Lounge Singapore 117376

Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed on Weekends

Foreword Coffee @ Esplanade Mall

8 Raffles Ave., #03-02, Singapore 039802

Mon - Thu: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sun: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Kings Cart Coffee Factory

328 Joo Chiat Rd, #01-05, Singapore 427585

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Suzuki Cafe and Roastery

8 Chin Bee Avenue, Singapore 619932

Tue - Sun: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed on Monday

The Populus

146 Neil Rd, Singapore 088875

Sun - Tue: 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Wed - Sat: 9:00 am - 9:30 pm

Toby's Estate Coffee Roasters Singapore

8 Rodyk Street #01-03/04 Singapore 238216

Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Double Shot Coffee @ Kampong Bahru

19 Kampong Bahru, ground floor Singapore 169348

Mon - Thu: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fri - Sun: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Tuesday

Double Shot Coffee @ Shenton

70 Shenton Way, #01-05 EON, Singapore 079118

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat & PH: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed on Sunday

Pacto by Parchmen @ Maxwell

5 Kadayanallur St, #01-10, Singapore 069183

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Pacto by Parchmen @ Jalan Besar

69 Jellicoe Road #01-05 Singapore 208737

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Cowpresso Coffee Roasters Singapore

21 Lorong kilat #01-07 Singapore 598123

Mon - Thu: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm (Last Order)
Fri - Sat: 8:00 am - 9:30 pm (Last Order)
Sun: 8:00 am - 7:30 pm (Last Order)

Good Egg by Bearded Bella

160 Robinson Rd, SBF Center, #01-01, Singapore 068914.

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

The Apricus Coffee & Food Co.

248 Jln Kayu, Singapore 799472

Mon - Tue: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wed - Fri: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Round Boy Roasters

146 Jalan Bukit Merah, #01 1092 Block 146, Singapore 160146

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Flip Coffee Roasters

619H Bukit Timah Rd, Singapore 269728

Mon - Sun
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Wednesday


2 Fowlie Road, #01-06 Singapore 428505

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Daily Scoop @ Holland Avenue

118 Holland Avenue #02-04 Raffles Holland V Singapore 278997

10:00 am - 10:00 pm

The Daily Scoop @ Bedok Reservoir

742 Bedok Reservoir Rd #01-3091 Singapore 470742

Mon - Sat: 11:00 am - 9:30 pm
Sun: 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Daily Scoop @ Sembawang Road

369 Sembawang Road #01-05 Sembawang Cottage Singapore 758382

Mon-Wed, Fri-Sat: 3:30pm - 9:00pm
Thu: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Sun: 2:00pm - 9:00pm

Brawn & Brains Coffee @ East Coast Road

No 218 East Coast Road

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed on Wed

Brawn & Brains Coffee @ Hamilton Road

No 16 Hamilton Road #01-06

Sun, Mon, Thu: 9: 30 am - 5:30 pm
Tue, Fri, Sat: 9: 30 am - 6:30 pm
Wed: 11: 30 am - 6:30 pm

Compound Coffee Co.

31 kaki bukit rd 301-02C Techlink 417818

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Sunday, PH & Last Saturday of the month

Tom's Palette @ Bugis

51 Middle Road #01-01 Singapore 188959

Mon: 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Sun, Tue - Thu: 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 12:00 pm - 12:00 am

Tom's Palette @ Kovan

212 Hougang Street 21 #01-333 Singapore 530212

Mon - Fri: 1:00 pm - 12:00 am
Sat - Sun: 12:00 pm - 12:00 am

Huggs Coffee @ Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

1 Jurong East Street 21 #02-32A, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore 609606

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ National University Hospital

One@KentRidge, 1 Lower Kent Ridge Road #02-07, Singapore 119082

Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Galaxis

Galaxis, 1 Fusionopolis Place #01-K1/K2, Singapore 138522

Mon - Fri
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Changi City Point

5 Changi Business Park Central #01-50, Singapore 486038

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ i12 Katong

112 East Coast Road #01-20, Singapore 428802

Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Paya Lebar Quarter 3

Csuites, 2 Tanjong Katong Road #05-01, Singapore 437161

Mon - Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Paya Lebar Quarter

1 Paya Lebar Link #01-03, Singapore 408533

Mon - Thu: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - 10:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ 18 Tai Seng

18 Tai Seng Street #01-K1, Singapore 539775

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 11:00 am - 7:30 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Apple

12 Ang Mo Kio Street 64, Singapore 569088

Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital

1 Jalan Tan Tock Seng #01-02, Singapore 308433

Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Mount Elizabeth Hospital Orchard

3 Mount Elizabeth, #02-09 Singapore 228510

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ National Cancer Centre Singapore

30 Hospital Blvd, #02-02 Singapore 168583

Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Mspace

321 Orchard Rd, #01-01/02, Singapore 238866

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sat: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ United Square

101 Thomson Rd, #02-K2 United Square Shopping Mall, Singapore 307591

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Lazada One

51 Bras Basah Road #01-02, Singapore 189554

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Great Eastern

1 Pickering Street, #01-03, Singapore 048659

Mon - Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Clarke Quay Central

6 Eu Tong Sen St, #01-027/28/38, Singapore 059817

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ Millenia Walk

9 Raffles Bvld #01-92, Singapore 039596

Mon - Fri
7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Huggs Coffee @ The Cliff

21 McCallum Street #01-07/08, Singapore 069047

Mon - Fri
7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Huggs Coffee @ GB Bulding

143 Cecil Street #01-00, Singapore 069542

Mon - Fri
7:00 am - 5:00 pm

OLLA Coffee @ Clementi

381 Clementi Ave 5, #01-402, Singapore, 120381

Tue - Sun: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday Closed except PH

Parched by Parchmen

55 Ubi Avenue 3 Aspial One Singapore 408864

Mon - Sat 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Closed on Sun

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ VivoCity

1 Harbourfront Walk, VivoCity Fairprice Xtra, #B2-23, S098585

Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 7:45 pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Tanjong Pagar

7 Wallich St, Guoco Tower, #B1-09, S078884

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed on Sun & PH

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Balmoral Plaza

271 Bukit Timah Rd, Balmoral Plaza FairPrice Finest, #01-08, S259708

8:00 am - 4:45 pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Parkway Parade

80 Marine Parade Rd, Parkway Parade FairPrice Xtra, #03-28, S449269

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 6:45 pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30 am - 7:45 pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ SingPost Centre

10 Eunos Rd 8, SingPost Centre Twyst, #01-117/118/119, S408600

Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 5:15 pm
Weekend & PH: 9:00 am - 5:15 pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Raffles Place

5 Raffles Pl, Raffles Xchange Twyst, #B1-25/26, S048618

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 4:45 pm
Closed on Sat, Sun & PH

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ Stirling Road

170 Stirling Road, #01-1133, S140170

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
Sat - Sun & PH: 8:30 am - 4:15 pm

Tanamera Coffee @ Tanglin Mall

163 Tanglin Road, #02-130, Singapore 247933

Mon - Sun: 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Open everyday

Tanamera Coffee @ SGX Centre 2

4 Shenton Way, #01-K1 SGX Centre 2, Singapore 068807

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Sat, Sun and PH

Tanamera Coffee @ The Metropolis

9 North Buona Vista Drive, #01-22 The Metropolis Tower 2, Singapore 138588

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Sat, Sun and PH

Tanamera Coffee @ Marina Square

6 Raffles Boulevard, #02-154/192, Singapore 039594

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Open everyday

Tanamera Coffee @ Capital Square

23 Church Street, #01-K1 Capital Square, Singapore 049481

Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Closed on Sat, Sun and PH

Tanamera Coffee @ MyVillage

1 Maju Avenue , #01-26/27/28 MyVillage at Serangoon Garden, Singapore 556679

Mon - Sun: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm
Open everyday

First Story Cafe - Coffee, Gelato, and Waffles

149 Serangoon North Ave, #01-917 Singapore 550149

Mon - Sun
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee @ The Woodleigh Mall

11 Bidadari Park Dr, The Woodleigh Mall FairPrice Finest, #B1-32/33, S367803

8:00 am - 5:15 pm

Parched by Parchmen @ Woodlands

11 Woodlands Square, #B1-18, Woodlands MRT Station on Thomson-East Coast Line, Singapore 737736

Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Oaks Coffee Co.

223 Upper Thomson Road Singapore 574355

Weekdays: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sat - Sun & PH: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Closed on Wednesday

OLLA Coffee @ The Woodleigh Mall

11 Bidadari Park Dr, #01-55 Facing Outside next to Bidadari community club, Singapore 367803

Mon - Sun
8:30 am - 6:30 pm

Sun Ray Cafe

79 and 81 Brighton Crescent Serangoon Gardens Estate Singapore 559218

Mon - Sun
9:00 am - 9:30 pm

Cafe Name

#40-123 Enterprise HUB, 48 Toh Guan Rd E, Singapore 608586

Mon - Fri
9:00 am - 9:00 pm